Saturday, 1 October 2011



Web based solution

Streamlining Sales, management and customer maintenance

in the

Freight Forwarding and logistics industry

(cost and route optimization manager,)

Standardization - The FF world has no operational standards causing confusion, lack of efficiency, and unnecessary spending. TMSS provides a standardized system which will streamline processes everywhere in the world.

Provides 360 degree view of the Sales and Customer Maintenance with INNOVATION in Freight and Logistics process through:


Business Intelligence



Problem (6)

If the clerk had access to a program that could show him all the various options – he’d see that:
1) It could have been driven to Cleveland then flown to Newark and from there directly to Milan for ($XXX) – OR
2) driven to Toronto 1 hour north and flown to Milan from Toronto for ($XXX) OR
3) Since this wasn’t a rush order – it could have been shipped costing a mere $XXX
Getting a package from Point a to point b has tens if not hundreds of possible ways to go
Most FF have no way of seeing viable alternatives, so they go with the obvious and often end up losing money, or living on the edge of acceptable margins – just getting by
There are 15 parameters that effect cost and each of these effect each other, bringing tens of thousands of pricing options

Problem (5)

Cargo shipment is priced at $XXX,
Then it’s driven 8 hours from Buffalo to JFK
and flown via KLM, stopping in Amsterdam, changing planes
In Amsterdam it’s picked up, moved to a KLM warehouse, then loaded into the pallet flying to Milan
Lands in Milan, goes into airline warehouse, clears customs, gets picked up, driven to Dell’s Warehouse in the outskirts of Milan for a grand total of $XXXXXX – leaving the FF with a profit margin of only 3%!!
(all of this is shown on a map)

Problem (4)

They go to the FF they use in Milan, and the clerk contacts their office in JFK and arranges a pick up.
(show another dot on the map)

Problem (3)

Story – Dell in Milan, Italy wants to import 320 kilo of HW components from Buffalo, NY to Milan
(picture of a map – buffalo and NYC and and Milano marked)

Problem (2)

So as we saw – over 99% of the business is handled by small to large – not Enterprise!
Many of these companies are local, lo tech, using primarily office spreadsheets, manual operational systems (picture of pencil and pad, excel, etc.)

Problem (1)

Cargo Vs. Courier – by definition – over 25 kilo – currently we are discussing cargo – not courier